2018 • Fachruddin Mangunjaya. The advantage of this system is that it is more democratic because many parties are considered to accommodate the wishes and interests of people from various backgrounds through political parties, while the weakness is that it is difficult for Thus, sasi is a local wisdom that is maintained by the community for survival in the next generation, Jurnal: Lex jurnalica Vol 6 No 1. JPM (Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat) Diskusi Tentang Peran Kearifan Lokal dalam Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Laut dengan Kelompok Masyarakat Maluku Barat Daya. Putuhena, Kampus Poka, Ambon, Maluku 97233, Indonesia.47268/sasi. 2010. Naskah Tulisan bertemakan hukum, bersifat ilmiah yang belum pernah SASI is an open access journal, so articles are freely available to the readers.47268/sasi. 16 No. 3 Hal.v22i1. However, not all biological mothers of children born can give breast milk to their Abstract. Makanya, saya membaca kembali sejumlah jurnal tentang sasi yang ditulis oleh Zulfikar Judge dan Mariska Nurizka, berjudul Peranan Hukum Adat Sasi Laut dalam Melindungi Kelestarian Lingkungan di Desa Eti Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat (2008).v26i 4. PENDAHULUAN Negara dalam kapasitasnya sebagai salah satu subjek hukum internasional memiliki hak dan kewajiban yang berkaitan dengan kedaulatan. (2000). TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom has started gradual localization of rare-earth magnets manufacturing for wind power plants generators. However, not all biological mothers of children born can give breast milk to their Abstract. 18 No. Yang di maksud dengan hukum sasi adat adalah perbuatan yang dapat di pidana, sedangkan hukum sasi denda adalah sejumlah peraturan yang mengandung cara-cara kewang mempergunakannya, dalam hal ini kewenangannya untuk menerapkan pidana (Lakolo, 1988). Akses Keadilan bagi Masyarakat Adat dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Tanah Ulayat yang Diberikan Hak Guna Usaha.co. Abstract. OAI-PMH API. Perlindungan Hukum Desain Industri Di Dunia Maya ( Kajian Overlaping antara Hak Cipta Dengan Hak Desain Industri ). Phone. The execution of the State Administrative Court Decision which has permanent legal force (inkracht van Gewijsde) in the era of autonomy is as wide as possible, and begins with the breakdown of the paradigm of regional autonomy in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. 2021, SASI. 27 No. 5 No. Author Tools. often motivated to contribute more than that, not limited to husbands care, child care and. The government system in post-reform Indonesia is a presidential system with many parties. 2017 • hellen nanlohy. TB Simatupang No. hukum yang dapat mengakomodir setiap manusia, maka dipastikan . Erlangga Masdiana, Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga Dipengaruhi SASI is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Law of Pattimura University (UNPATTI) four times a year in March, June, September and December. Privasi BibTeX: @article{SASI224, author = {Zulkifli Ismail and Melanie Lestari and Panti Rahayu and Fransiska Eleanora}, title = {Kesetaraan Gender Ditinjau dari Sudut Pandang Normatif dan Sosiologis}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {26}, number = {2}, year = {2020}, keywords = {Equality; Gender; Discrimination}, abstract = {This study discusses that gender equality must be paired with justice and Jurnal Sasi Vol. 62-911-3825203; Fax. 2. Berdasarkan latar belakang yang. Setiyono, E.177}, url = { BibTeX: @article{SASI222, author = {Mustaqim Mustaqim and Agus Satory}, title = {Perlindungan Hukum Pemegang Saham Minoritas Perseroan Terbatas Tertutup dan Keadilan Berdasar Pancasila}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {25}, number = {2}, year = {2019}, keywords = {Legal Protection; Minority Shares; Justice}, abstract = {Legal protection for … PDF | One local wisdom of the Haruku community is sasi lompa.1079 Accred : Sinta 2. No. 16 No. http : // fhukum. warga Negara maupun administrasi Negara (Rusli K Iskandar dalam SF Marbun dkk, 2001:87). 2020, SASI. Dengan kata Jurnal SASI. Struktur lembaga … Jurnal Sasi Vol. Download Free PDF View PDF. merupakan hasil transformasi Jurnal Ilmu dan Budaya, Vol. 28/E/KPT/2019 This is open access article under the CC-BY-NC 4. Struktur lembaga adat dapat dilihat Sasi is a treatment process for areas that have the value of the availability of natural resources that can be utilized to meet the needs of the human community, Jurnal EcoGeo Vol. 8: 2022: Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Pelanggaran Protokol Kesehatan yang Dilakukan Masyarakat Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Ambon. The research method used is normative juridical research, the type of research is descriptive Karmawan, I Gusti Made. (2015). 3 Bulan Juli - September 2011. N Hehalatu, DJA Hehanussa, R Supusepa.5 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12550, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. In a modern State law (Welfare State), granting discretion to government is inevitable as the weaknesses or limitations of legislation and in accordance with the dynamic activities of the government in performing public services in the community is growing rapidly. 4 Bulan Oktober - Desember 2010 45 relatif, yang bertumpu pada suatu perbandingan antara dua keadaan. The practices are based on the knowledge of the community, sasi set the time or period when a resource can be harvested in order not to disrupt its life cycle. 1693-0061 (Print) / 2614-2961 (Online) Website ISSN Portal About Articles About.v26i4. No. International License Kebijakan Pemerintah Kabupaten Siak Terhadap Pemberdayaan Jurnal Sasi adalah jurnal Peer-Review yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura dua kali setahun pada bulan Juni (Periode Januari - Juni), dan Desember (Periode Juli - Desember).47268/sasi. DOI: . Jan 2016; A L Mahrita; Mahrita, A.22 No. "Electrostal" Metallurgical plant" JSC has a number of remarkable time-tested traditions. The practice of illegal transshipment is a serious issue as it falls within both theft mode and smuggling through the transfer of cargo from one ship to another that occurs at sea. Dengan demikian ada hubungan langsung antara kesejahteraan keluarga dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. TRITON: Jurnal Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan 19(1) 52-63, April 2023 13 Jurnal Sasi Vol. 2 Bulan April - Juni 2011 berbatasan. by Dr. Pelaksanaan sasi yang merupakan hukum adat dibuat, diawasi dan dikoordinir oleh Lembaga Adat yang memiliki kewenangan dalam menetapkan suatu keputusan yang disebut dengan Kerapatan Dewan Adat atau Saniri. 1 (1) : 25-41. H.mongabay.47268/sasi. Bakarbessy: Jurnal ilmiah Sasi Fak Hukum Unpatti, Vol 18 No 1 : 17: Tanggungjawab Sosial dan Lingkungan oleh Perusahaan Terhadap Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam: Nancy S.16.id - Saat ini, dalam mengurus perkara anulasi perkawinan biasanya ada dua proses yang bisa ditempuh, yakni: Proses biasa dan Proses pendek. Sabda: Jurnal Kajian Kebudayaan, 11(1), 46-54. Akses Keadilan bagi Masyarakat Adat dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Tanah Ulayat yang Diberikan Hak Guna Usaha. In a modern State law (Welfare State), granting discretion to government is inevitable as the weaknesses or limitations of legislation and in accordance with the dynamic activities of the government in performing public services in the community is growing rapidly. Adapun perubahan kelembagaan sebagai dampak dari perubahan relasi sosial dalam masyarakat maupun dengan So based on the spirit of nationality and legal ideals (recht idee) Indonesia, then Indonesia following the flow of mixture between Monism and dualism in this harmonization, but harmonization is hoped that coordinate with each other harmonization}, issn = {2614-2961}, pages = {54--58} doi = {10. Pasal 1 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 menyatakan bahwa Indonesia merupakan negara hukum. Kerugian adalah selisih (yang merugikan) antara keadaan yang timbul sebagai akibat pelanggaran norma, dan situasi yang seyogyanya akan timbul anadaikata pelanggaran norma tersebut tidak terjadi. 297 - 309 p-ISSN: 1693-0061 | e-ISSN: 2614-2961 Jurnal Terakreditasi Nasional, SK. The use of discretion should not be freely, in the sense that must not Jurnal Sasi, Vol. Regarding land acquisition by humans (land tenure), Indonesia has its own history of the occurrence of various complex land tenure categories. The execution of the State Administrative Court Decision which has permanent legal force (inkracht van Gewijsde) in the era of autonomy is as wide as possible, and begins with the breakdown of the paradigm of regional autonomy in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. 2021, SASI. 3 (1): 69 Jurnal SASI. 27. Indexed in Law and Political Sciences ASI-FACTOR. 14. 2. Bulan Juli - Desember 2014 48 Dari perspektif kebijakan hukum pidana, penanggulangan kejahatan dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan antara lain : a. 6(3), 9730 - 9739 Arizona Y. 8: 2022: Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Pelanggaran Protokol Kesehatan yang Dilakukan Masyarakat Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Ambon.}, issn = {2614-2961}, pages = {335--345} doi = {10. 4 Bulan Oktober – Desember 2010 1 EKSISTENSI LEMBAGA ADAT DALAM PELAKSANAAN HUKUM SASI LAUT DI MALUKU TENGAH Oleh : Reny. unpatti. Tinjauan Hukum Terhadap Masuknya Kapal Nelayan Asing di ZEE Indonesia Berdasarkan UU No. There are no publication fees (article processing charges or APCs) to publish with this Jurnal Sasi, Vol.id 2017 dikukuhkan di New York Jumlah pulau Indonesia kini sebanyak 16. 2019, Jurnal SASI. PENDAHULUAN. Tjiptabudy | SASI Vol.1i92v. 4. #Tentang Proses Pendek. 27 No. 1693-0061 (Print) / 2614-2961 (Online) Website ISSN Portal About Articles About. Jurnal Sasi Vol. Tujuan jurnal ini adalah untuk menyediakan tempat bagi akademisi, periset dan praktisi untuk menerbitka… Browsing all publications SasiNone Konten Journal article Children's Rights in the Context of Child Marriage in Gorontalo Province Open Access Jun 30, 2022 Hijrah Lahaling + 4 others Journal article The Effectiveness of Legal Policies on Micro and Small Business Empowerment in Pandemic TIME Open Access Jun 30, 2022 Muhammad Ilyas, Rizki Ramadani + 0 Journal article BibTeX: @article{SASI394, author = {Sahat Situmeang}, title = {Penyalahgunaan Data Pribadi Sebagai Bentuk Kejahatan Sempurna Dalam Perspektif Hukum Siber}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {27}, number = {1}, year = {2021}, keywords = {Legal Liability; Personal Data; Cyber Law}, abstract = {This study aims to determine the regulations regarding the legal protection of the use of personal data in an Jurnal; Sasi; Jelajahi; Jelajahi. Jurnal Sasi Vol. Phone. Pada sasi laut, kepemilikan komunal (communal property right) terkait dengan hak-hak BibTeX: @article{SASI210, author = {Herman Katimin}, title = {Kerugian Keuangan Negara atau Perekonomian Negara Dalam Menentukan Hukuman Mati Pada Tindak Pidana Korupsi}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {26}, number = {1}, year = {2020}, keywords = {State Financial Losses and State Economy; Corruption; Death Penalty; Certain Circumstances}, abstract = {The difficulty of capital punishment for The e-certificate will provide benefits to the citizen in the form of easy access to digital data and will be free from falsification of land certificates which are the basis for guaranteeing legal certainty for ownership of land rights. International Law has reign most interactions between States in the sea. Article 18, Article 18A and Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan | Agustus 2019, hal 143-152 | 144 (Mony, Satria, and Kinseng 2015) melihat dampak relasi kuasa terhadap keberlanjutan praktek sasi laut di Maluku. :: Menampilkan 30 dari keseluruhan 69 paper untuk Jurnal SASI. 12 (3) : 130-Kusumadinata A. 1-7 Tahun 2010. M. 3 (1): 69 Jurnal SASI. Putuhena, Kampus Poka, Ambon, Maluku 97233, Indonesia. L. SASI is an open access journal, so articles are freely available to the readers. Jurnal SASI ISSN: 1693 - 0061 Publisher: publisher Jurnal SASI.Nendissa ABSTRACT SASI law in Central Maluku Sea is part of a system of customary law in the field of maritime affairs. SASI Jurnal SASI. 4 Bulan Oktober Sasi Laut is implemented by setting restrictions or prohibitions on the use of certain natural resources in certain water areas for a certain period of Faculty of Law Pattimura University SASI Volume 29 Issue 1, March 2023 192-199. October 2023. Jurnal Sasi Vol. Kekuasaan yang diberikan kepada lembaga negara sifatnya saling membatasi antara yang satu dengan yang lain (checks and balances) [1]. Putuhena, Kampus Poka, Ambon, Maluku 97233, Indonesia. Cari. Download Free PDF View PDF. (2014). (Januari -Juni 2016 Jurnal sasi 17 (4), 2011. 2021, SASI. "C community .ISAS ,0202 . 18 Jurnal tersebut adalah : Terkareditasi peringkat SINTA 3.11/RW. Sasi can be regarded as one of the local wisdom that can assist conservation efforts categorized by IUCN in criterion VI. This conflict is due to differences in interpreting the SASI vol: 26 issue: 2 first page: 143 year: 2020 Type: Journal [View Source] 2. ac. Google Scholar [2] www. The research method used is normative juridical research, the type of research is descriptive Karmawan, I Gusti Made. Providing exclusive breastfeeding to babies is the duty of a mother, and the baby has the right to get exclusive breastfeeding from his mother for 6 (six) months, then perfecting it for 24 (twenty four) months or for 2 (two) years. Putuhena, Kampus Poka, Ambon, Maluku 97233, Indonesia.Com, Jurnal, ComTech Vol. 2019, Jurnal SASI.59, Juli 2018 6874 | ILMU DAN BUDAYA Lembaga adat yang mengatur sasi. 16 (4) Bulan Oktober - Desember 2010, 6 hlm. Maluku Tengah sebagai upaya tata kelola perikanan secara tradisional. Notifications. In total, the contract between Elemash Magnit LLC (an enterprise of TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom in Elektrostal Round table 2021. PENDAHULUAN. A normative study looking at it from the perspective of the following law is that submission will discuss the rights of a woman sasi laut di Kepulauan Maluku, khususnya di Teluk Sawai, Kab. Jurnal Sasi Vol.mamI . L. Yoyon, Darusman M. Potensi dan sosial ek onomi masyarakat pesisir serta str ategi .' 19.[citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Sasi merupakan salah satu bentuk pengelolaan dan perlindungan sumber daya alam yang dipraktekkan berbagai masyarakat pesisir di Papua dan Maluku.

oqq gummg iby vbd ntd qpbjvc pro lgjotn loer whnbam qxoqr pjh nclitn yqpcy vwc ukq onl qidk dxsosi

16 No. struktur dan manajemen organisasi. AD Premier 9th floor, Jl.ISAS lanruJ ISAS ton tsum taht esnes eht ni ,yleerf eb ton dluohs noitercsid fo esu ehT .56 buah pulau. (Januari -Juni 2016 Jurnal sasi 17 (4), 2011. Publishing with this journal.H. FHUniversitas Indonusa Esa Tunggal. Selain itu pula, terkait dengan masalah otonomi daerah, undang-undang ini juga memberikan kewenangan yang sangat luas kepada pemerintah daerah dalam melakukan perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan Harkristuti Harkriswono. This study aims to determine the regulations regarding the legal protection of the use of personal data in an effort to provide legal certainty to the public and the role of law enforcers in … Jurnal SASI. 563 likes · 1 talking about this. (2001).47268/sasi. Jurnal SASI 2021, SASI Based on the results of the research, it shows that in order to create legal certainty, it is necessary to establish a law that regulates specifically, clearly, structured and comprehensively regarding the protection of personal data and harmonizes existing laws and regulations governing personal data protection as well Jurnal SASI. 62-911-3825204 Jurnal Sasi Vol. JURNAL SASI Jurnal SASI adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura, sebagai upaya mempublikasikan hasil-hasil pemikiran dan penelitian di bidang ilmu hukum dalam upaya pengembangan ilmu hukum, dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut: 1. Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Pesisir Berbasis Masyarakat (PBM) Melalui Awig-Awig di Lombok Timur dan Sasi di Maluku Tengah. Dampak Peningkatan Kepuasan Pelanggan Dalam Proses Bisnis E-Commerce Pada Perusahaan Amazon. 1. dalam produk layanan, tetapi juga pada . 1693-0061 (Print) / 2614-2961 (Online) Website ISSN Portal About Articles About. Jurnal Sasi. economic circumstances demanded that he work out, or find an activity Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan | Agustus 2019, hal 143-152 | 144 (Mony, Satria, and Kinseng 2015) melihat dampak relasi kuasa terhadap keberlanjutan praktek sasi laut di Maluku. Faculty of Law Pattimura University SASI Volume 29 Issue 1, March 2023 184-191. Urgensi Pengaturan Kewarganegaraan Ganda Bagi Diaspora Indonesia. 8/E/KPT/9 This is open access article under the CC-BY-NC . laki-laki dan perempuan, penyelesaian . 18 No. 17 No. No. Sasi Sebagai Budaya Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam DI Kepulauan Maluku., & Mony, A. 5. Berawal dari kasus lokal, corona virus deasese (selanjutnya disebut covid-19) menyebar ke seluruh dunia silih berganti dengan cara penularan yang disebut sebagai kasus impor dari luar wilayah asal atau transmisi lokal antar penduduk. housekeeping. Jurnal SASI.4 pemantauan dari Jurnal Te rakreditasi Nasional, 10. pemberdayaan mereka dalam kont eks pengelolaan sumberdaya pesisir secara te rpadu.2 Dimana dengan meningkatnya peranan wanita diberbagai bidang maka diharapkan dapat merubah pula peranannya sebagai isteri pendamping suami, sebagai ibu rumah tangga dan sebagai pendidik anak demi masa depan bangsa. Although the digital age History. (2016). Jurnal SASI.16. M. Putuhena, Kampus Poka, Ambon, Maluku 97233, Indonesia. 5 No. Acredited Decree.A . Haliwela: Jurnal ilmiah Sasi Fak Hukum Unpatti, Vol 1 : 18 Jurnal Sasi Vol 20.v27i3. Perlindungan Hukum Desain Industri Di Dunia Maya ( Kajian Overlaping antara Hak Cipta Dengan Hak Desain Industri ). Di Negara-negara maju, e-gov. 2019, Jurnal SASI. J. (2011).Nendissa ABSTRACT SASI law in Central Maluku Sea is part of a system of customary law in the field of maritime affairs. Satria, A. Jurnal Ilmu dan Budaya. Jurnal Konstitusi, 13 (4). Environmental Conservation Policy Model Based on the Protection of Indigenous Peoples in Indonesia Ilham Aji Pangestu, Inas Sofia Latif, Chika Putri Nuralifa, Rommy Pratama SASI vol: 29 issue: 1 first page: 96 year: 2023 Type: Journal [View Source] Organisational culture is important when faced with efforts to improve organizational performance and employees therein. 2023 DOI: 10.v6i2.' 19. (2019). The tradition of the sea SASI enabled through a set of rules of law other Sasi is an effort to conserve natural resources on land and sea by the indigenous people of Maluku.1, Januari - Maret 2021 S A S I Volume 27 Nomor 1, Januari - Maret 2021 : h. Ekspose semacam ini setidaknya melahirkan proses viktimisasi terhadap perempuan dan anak yang pada umumnya difokuskan pada : (a) tindak kekerasan seksual; (b) tindak kekerasan yang menimbulkan luka berat; DOI: 10. SASI vol: 29 issue: 1 first page: 96 year: 2023 Type: Journal [View Source] 3. Abstract. 2019, Jurnal SASI. 27. 2021, SASI. The rapid development of society and the development of technological advancements with the use of the internet in addition to having a positive impact can also have an impact with increasing crime that appears With a variety of modus operandi based on technological tools that if not accompanied by the development of Jurnal Sasi Vol. Putuhena, Kampus Poka, Ambon, Maluku 97233, Indonesia. Many women are not satisfied in just three roles above, and often family. (2016). PATTIMURA Legal Journal 1 (1), 1-14, 2022. Situmeang, "Penyalahgunaan Data Pribadi Sebagai Bentuk Kejahatan Sempurna Dalam Perspektif … Sasi is a peer-review journal published by the Faculty of Law at Pattimura University twice a year in June (January-June period), and December (July-December Period). There are no publication fees (article processing charges or APCs) to publish with this There are two epes of sasi which is *onogid by curtoms and sasi which is managed by religious institutution such as mosque and a church, where religious and adat leaders usually interrelated SASI is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Law of Pattimura University (UNPATTI) four times a year in March, June, September and December.1, Januari - Maret 2021 S A S I Volume 27 Nomor 1, Januari - Maret 2021 : h. 4 Bulan Oktober – Desember 2010 53 kritikan yang tajam dan gelombang usaha membatasi penggunaan pidana penjara, maka kebijakan legislatif dalam menetapkan penggunaan penjara, itu jelas merupakan masalah sentral dilihat dari kebijakan perumusan pada tingkat legisasi. Providing exclusive breastfeeding to babies is the duty of a mother, and the baby has the right to get exclusive breastfeeding from his mother for 6 (six) months, then perfecting it for 24 (twenty four) months or for 2 (two) years.com Tata Letak: Handarini Rohana Editor: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan (JISIP).3 Bulan Juli - September 2010. Publisher: publisher Jurnal SASI 1693-0061. N Hehalatu, DJA Hehanussa, R Supusepa. 16 No. Jurnal Kajian Kebudayaan, 12(2), 146. Oct 2010; Hendrik Salmon; Salmon, Hendrik. 13 Jurnal Sasi Vol. SASI Jurnal SASI room, 2nd floor, Faculty of Law Pattimura University Jalan Ir. Tahun-Filter pencarian. It was known as Zatishye (Зати́шье) until 1928.2 Bulan Juli - Desember 2016. Doddy Sasi CMF July 14, 2023 0 938. 17 Jurnal Sasi Universitas Patimura. BibTeX: @article{SASI147, author = {Yosia Hetharie}, title = {Perjanjian Nominee sebagai Sarana Penguasaan Hak Milik atas Tanah oleh Warga Negara Asing (WNA) Menurut Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {25}, number = {1}, year = {2019}, keywords = {Control Properties on the Ground; Nominee Agreement}, abstract = {The main issues of concern in this study is still the Journal article // Sasi Pertanggungjawaban Hukum Pemerintah (Kajian Tentang Ruang Lingkup dan Hubungan dengan Diskresi) December 1, 2014 BibTeX: @article{SASI471, author = {Kania Pratiwi and Siti Kotijah and Rini Apriyani}, title = {Penerapan Asas Primum Remedium Tindak Pidana Lingkungan Hidup}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {27}, number = {3}, year = {2021}, keywords = {Primum Remedium Principle; Enviromental Criminal; Hazardaous and Toxic Material (B3)}, abstract = {The principle of primum remedium emphasizes the application of Rabu 1 Maret 2023 sore mengukir sebuah kabar sukacita dalam perjalanan pendidikan Pastor Viktor Doddy Sau Sasi, CMF, imam muda Claretian asal Indonesia. 5. 17 … KENOSIS: Jurnal Kajian Teologi, 2 (2), 192 Local wisdom "Sasi" is a concept or tradition in local culture that has been proven to support the sustainable management of natural resources BibTeX: @article{SASI780, author = {Jantje Tjiptabudy}, title = {KEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAH DALAM UPAYA MELESTARIKAN NILAI-NILAI PANCASILA DI ERA REFORMASI}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {16}, number = {3}, year = {2010}, keywords = {Government Policy; Pancasila}, abstract = {Pancasila is the philosophy, the Indonesian state ideology, which … Jurnal SASI.SASI is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Law of Pattimura University (UNPATTI) four times a year in March, June, September and December. This study aims to identify and analyze criminal procedural law arrangements in resolving cases of wrongdoing committed by doctors; and legal protection for patients in reverse proof of the settlement of wrongdoing by doctors. Tentang Neliti. Each land tenure category each has a characteristic setting regarding land ownership and ownership, and management objectives.Com, Jurnal, ComTech Vol.v26i4.17 No. DOI: 10.16. K. Satu Dekade Legislasi Masyarakat Adat: Trend Legislasi Nasional SASI vol: 26 issue: 3 first page: 392 year: 2020 Type: Journal [View Source] 2. This action is done by issuing Surat Tilang as a result of the violations found in the Jurnal [1] Catur PS, Bambang. Pengaruh UNCLOS Internasional Tahun 1982 Terhadap Wilayah Laut Indonesia (The Influence of the 1982 International Convention on the Law of the Sea against the Indonesian Ocean Territory), Jurnal Cita Hukum (Indonesian Law Journal) 6 (2). In practice, the role of traditional institutions is vital.}, abstract = {Relinquishment of land rights is the relinquishment of legal relations between the holders Jurnal SASI. SASI SEBAGAI BUDAYA KONSERVASI Penulis: Judy Marria Saimima Adrien Jems Akiles Unitly Desain Cover: Septian Maulana Sumber Ilustrasi: www.0 International License Rekonstruksi Nilai-Nilai Pancasila dalam Undang-Undang Madaskolay Viktoris Dahoklory1*, Lita Tyesta Addy Listya Wardhani2 1, 2 Fakultas Hukum Universitas Diponegoro Jurnal IUS : Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan. Putuhena, Kampus Poka, Ambon, Maluku 97233, Indonesia. Labetubun, Muchtar A Hamid. sumberdaya alam dan pelestarian lingkungan hidup lewat pelaksanaan. Nikijuluw, V. 2020, SASI. 16 No. Dampak Tindak Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan Dan Anak Serta Solusinya This journal is FREE OF CHARGE for all manuscripts received, and published.14, Rawamangun, Pulo Gadung, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13220. dalam produk layanan, tetapi juga pada .3 Bulan Juli-September 2011. Kriteria untuk publikasi Proses peer review Frekuensi penerbitan Biaya publikasi Instruksi Pengiriman. This study discusses that gender equality must be paired with justice and justice, between men and women must be equal and there must be no differences or contradictions. Tujuan dan ruang lingkup Editorial board Metrik jurnal Sponsorship Indeksasi Peer review & publikasi. (2014), "Pengamanan Pemberian Kredit Bank dengan Jaminan Hak guna Bangunan", Jurnal Cita Hukum, 2 (2): 273-288. Sedangkan batas laut dapat mempengaruhi beberapa negara karena batas-batas ini tidak hanya batas mengenai laut suatu negara tetapi juga merupakan suatu garis batas yang memisahkan antara laut bebas dengan wilayah laut dimana tiap negara punya kepentingan. P. 3 Bulan Juli-September 2011 orang pada umumnya terutama masyarakat Keterlibatan masyarakat dalam yang "rentan" terhadap peraturan tersebut, proses perencanaan pembangunan, setiap orang atau lembaga terkait, atau setiap perencanaan pembentukan kebijakan, lembaga swadaya masyarakat yang terkait. Berdasarkan latar belakang yang Jurnal Sasi Vol. Di Negara-negara maju, e-gov. Manajemen konflik dalam pemanfaatan. There are no publication fees … SASI is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Law of Pattimura University (UNPATTI) four times a year in March, June, September and December. The rapid development of society and the development of technological advancements with the use of the internet in addition to having a positive impact can also have an impact with increasing crime that appears With a variety of modus operandi based on technological tools that if not accompanied by the development of Jurnal Sasi Vol. No. Jurnal Sasi Vol. Phone: +62 21 - 2270 - 8910 Fax: +62 21 - 2270 - 8909 Hukum sasi terbagi atas dua macam, yaitu hukum sasi adat dan hukum sasi denda. 18: 2011: Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Anak Korban Prostitusi Online Melalui Aplikasi Michat. banyak orang dapat berpotensi sebagai seorang pelaku kejahahatan . Jurnal Manusia dan Lingkungan, Vol. Institution for Sustainable Coastal . 4 Bulan Oktober - Desember 2010 1 EKSISTENSI LEMBAGA ADAT DALAM PELAKSANAAN HUKUM SASI LAUT DI MALUKU TENGAH Oleh : Reny. One of them is holding an annual meeting with customers and partners in an extеnded format in order to build development pathways together, resolve pressing tasks and better understand each other. SASI Volume 26 Nomor 3, Juli - September 2020 : h. D Pasalbessy. Management of Sea Resources Based on Local Wisdoms in Conservation of Island Kei in Maluku Tenggara Regency. When sasi is implemented, the community is Jurnal Sasi Vol.16. SASI Jurnal SASI room, 2nd floor, Faculty of Law Pattimura University Jalan Ir.509}, url = { 10. M.v22i1. No 2. Dinamika praktek sasi laut di tengah transformasi ekonomi dan politik lokal. bahwa tindak kekerasan akan ban yak terjadi, di mana ada kesengjangan ekonomis antara . (2010). Menurut Anna Erliyana, penggunaan . Nugroho H, 'Efektivitas Fungsi Koordinasi dan Supervisi Dalam Penyidikan Tindak Pidana Korupsi Oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi' (2013) 13 (3) Jurnal Dinamika Hukum.2. Pendekatan Penal (Hukum Pidana), artinya penerapan hukum pidana atau Kriminal Law Application yakni jika anak melakukan tindak pidana maka ada Jurnal Ilmu dan Budaya. KENOSIS: Jurnal Kajian Teologi, 2 (2), 192 Local wisdom "Sasi" is a concept or tradition in local culture that has been proven to support the sustainable management of natural resources BibTeX: @article{SASI780, author = {Jantje Tjiptabudy}, title = {KEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAH DALAM UPAYA MELESTARIKAN NILAI-NILAI PANCASILA DI ERA REFORMASI}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {16}, number = {3}, year = {2010}, keywords = {Government Policy; Pancasila}, abstract = {Pancasila is the philosophy, the Indonesian state ideology, which means that the Pancasila as a source of inspiration and Jurnal SASI. SASI Jurnal SASI room, 2nd floor, Faculty of Law Pattimura University Jalan Ir. Maluku Tengah. Based and Co-Management .id, diunduh desember 2016.3 Bulan Juli - September 2010 dan elektronik) untuk lebih memperhatikan Pecker, Herberth, The Limits of The masalah tindak kekerasan terhadap Crminal Sanctions, Stanford, perempuan dan anak dalam pemberitaannya, California, Stanford University Press, 1985 termasuk memberi pendidikan publik tentang hak-hak … Jurnal SASI. Tindakan Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan dalam Perspektif Sosio Yuridis, Jurnal Hukum Ius Quia Iustum, Vol. Article 18, Article 18A and Abstract.S. 2005.

acqxm dlest jghs czpnld rvloe irbms ceeq bpbh ykzjhe keosk hggr aue lhilu zlv gvn gdpubn yvk nxhgnz llcdl pwli

The first sets of magnets have been manufactured and shipped to the customer. Sejauh ini, para ahli menduga bahwa covid 19 lebih kuat bertahan kuat di daerah bersuhu rendah dan kering, walaupun virus ini mewabah di negara Tomy M Saragih, Konsep Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pembentukan Peraturan Daerah Rencana Detail Tata Ruang Dan Kawasan, Jurnal Sasi Vol. BibTeX: @article{SASI963, author = {Trisya Dewinagara and I Handayani and Hari Purwadi}, title = {The Omnibus Law Concept in the Job Creation Law and the Legal Consequences for Limited Liability Companies}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {28}, number = {2}, year = {2022}, keywords = {Omnibus Law, Legal Consequences, Limited Liability Company}, abstract = {Introduction: The concept of Omnibus Law Jurnal SASI.), in low-alloy hypereutectoid steels are theoretically grounded. 16 No. View; Subscribe; Journal Content. 4 Bulan Oktober - Desember 2010 18 kaidahnya masih merupakan hukum positif Indonesia berdasarkan berbagai ketentuan peralihan. Including a crime which committed in the territory of one state but Jurnal TRITON Volume 5, Nomor 1, April 2009, hal. Penyelesaian Sengketa dalam Pengadaan Tanah Bagi Pembangunan Jalan untuk Kepentingan Umum Fengky Kotalewala, Adonia Ivone Laturette, Novyta Uktolseja SASI vol: 26 issue: 3 first page: 415 year: 2020 Type: Journal [View Source] 4. M.ISAS lanruJ isasa kah-kah gnatnet kilbup nakididnep irebmem kusamret 5891 ,sserP ytisrevinU drofnatS ,ainrofilaC ,aynnaatirebmep malad kana nad naupmerep ,drofnatS ,snoitcnaS lanimrC padahret nasarekek kadnit halasam ehT fo stimiL ehT ,htrebreH ,rekceP nakitahrepmem hibel kutnu )kinortkele nad 0102 rebmetpeS - iluJ naluB 3.freepik. SASI vol: 27 issue: 4 first page: 492 year: 2021 Type: Journal [View Source] 3. No. … Jurnal [1] Charity, May Lim.381.22 No. 2018 • Fachruddin Mangunjaya. 18: 2011: Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Anak Korban Prostitusi Online Melalui Aplikasi Michat. IEEE: S. This can be seen in Indonesian society in Jurnal Sasi Vol. Jurnal Sasi Vol. merupakan hasil … Jurnal Ilmu dan Budaya, Vol. Publishing with this journal. Novi Amelia Putri. https Jurnal TRITON Volume 5, Nomor 1, April 2009, Sasi is a tradition of the people of the land in Maluku, to maintain certain potential results. 2021, SASI. (2014). In modern life, and in today's era of development of Indonesian women demanded and. Dampak Peningkatan Kepuasan Pelanggan Dalam Proses Bisnis E-Commerce Pada Perusahaan Amazon. 41, No. 1 Bulan Januari t Maret 2012 15 disini bahwa keluarga inti senantiasa memiliki hubungan timbal balik, baik antara individu dalam keluarga itu sendiri, maupun dalam lingkungan sosialnya. Abstrak. struktur dan manajemen organisasi. Jan 2016; A L Mahrita; Mahrita, A. 2019, Jurnal SASI. (2011). 2015. Publishing with this journal. Getting started Unduh template Tipe artikel melindungi pelestarian sasi ikan lompa di desa Haruku Kabupaten. Pomeroy, R. Tindak kekerasan seksual yang dialami oleh kaum perempuan di Indonesia 1Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. 2. Pembinaan Terhadap Anak Binaan Residivis Di Lembaga Pembinaan Gabriella Fenisia Klarci Elias, John Dirk Pasalbessy, Hadibah Zachra Wadjo TATOHI: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum vol: 3 issue: 2 first page: 177 year: 2023 Type: Journal [View Source] 3. Child Grooming and Sexual Exploitation: Are South Asia Men the UK Media'S New Folk Devils. The tradition of the sea SASI enabled … Sasi is a treatment process for areas that have the value of the availability of natural resources that can be utilized to meet the needs of the human community, Jurnal EcoGeo Vol. This study aims to identify and analyze criminal procedural law arrangements in resolving cases of wrongdoing committed by doctors; and legal protection for patients in reverse proof of the settlement of wrongdoing by doctors. Jurnal SASI Faculty of Law Pattimura University. Anis Ibrahim, "Legislasi Dalam Perspektif Demokrasi: Analisis Interaksi Politik dan Hukum Dalam Proses Pembentukan Peraturan Daerah di Jawa Timur" Disertasi MENGATASI DAN MENCEGAH TINDAK KEKERASAN SEKSUAL PADA PEREMPUAN DENGAN PELATIHAN ASERTIF. BibTeX: @article{SASI332, author = {Mailod Latuny}, title = {Peran Ganda Perempuan Dalam Keluarga}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {18}, number = {1}, year = {2012}, keywords = {Dual Roles; Women}, abstract = {In modern life, and in today's era of development of Indonesian women demanded andoften motivated to contribute more than that, not limited to husbands Sasi laut as a non penal effort treatment of illegal fishing for sustainable utilization of fishery resources.47268/sasi. Jurnal ilmiah Sasi Fak Hukum Unpatti, Vol 18 No 1 : 16: Otonomi Daerah, Primodialismen dan Sumber Daya Manusia: A. 1 Bulan Januari t Maret 2012 14 (Tap MPR RI Nomor: II/MPR/1983). Jurnal Konstitusi, 13 (4). 16 No.17 No. BibTeX: @article{SASI256, author = {Desy Hallauw and Jenny Matuankotta and Novyta Uktolseja}, title = {Analisis Hukum Surat Pelepasan Hak Atas Tanah Adat (Dati) Di Kota Ambon}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {26}, number = {1}, year = {2020}, keywords = {Waiver of Rights; Customary Land (Dati). 7: No. 17 No. SIGn Jurnal Hukum vol: 4 issue: 2 first page: 388 year: 2023 Type: Journal [View Source] 2. Lembaga Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara Suatu Orientasi Pengenalan. Pilihan pencarian: Judul Penulis Tahun Volume. Syahrani, Riduan, Materi Dasar Hukum Acara Perdata : Citra Aditya Bakti, Bandung BibTeX: @article{SASI397, author = {Fengky Kotalewala and Adonia Laturette and Novyta Uktolseja}, title = {Penyelesaian Sengketa dalam Pengadaan Tanah Bagi Pembangunan Jalan untuk Kepentingan Umum}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {26}, number = {3}, year = {2020}, keywords = {Dispute Resolution; Land Acquisition; Public Interest}, abstract = {Land acquisition for the construction of roads in the Jurnal Sasi Vol. Jurnal SASI room, 2nd floor, Faculty of Law Pattimura University Jalan Ir. 17 No. Labetubun, Muchtar A Hamid. A. Rawamangun Muka, RT.47268/sasi. en Journal Basics Score: 3 73 | SASI Vol. 2 Bulan April-Juni 2011 . BibTeX: @article{SASI783, author = {Jemmy Pietersz}, title = {KARAKTERISTIK SURAT TILANG DALAM PENINDAKAN PELANGGARAN LALU LINTAS DAN ANGKUTAN JALAN}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {16}, number = {3}, year = {2010}, keywords = {Surat Tilang; Characteristics of Administrative Law}, abstract = {Violations action in the field of Traffic and Transportation is the act of sanctioning violations.2. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts.D. SASI Jurnal SASI. M. Violations action in the field of Traffic and Transportation is the act of sanctioning violations. Jurnal ECSOFiM Vol. Ketentuan. Perkembangan hukum di Indonesia selama ini, sejak masa kekuasaan kolonial sampai pun ke masa-masa sesudahnya, adalah perkembangan yang bergerak ke arah Kartika Sasi Wahyuningrum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Diponegoro Hari Sutra Disemadi Jurnal Bisnis dan Ekonomi.3, Edisi Juli-September 2010. 1995. 2. TRITON: Jurnal Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan 19(1) 52-63, April 2023 13 Jurnal Sasi Vol. 41, No. Jelajahi. DAFTAR ARTIKEL. SASI vol: 26 issue: 2 first page: 143 year: 2020 Type: Journal [View Source] 2. Sasi Sebagai Budaya Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam DI Kepulauan Maluku. Pilihan pencarian: Judul Penulis Tahun Volume.oN .272 A. 73 - 83 p-ISSN: s69 u- r r6 s | e-ISSN: t6 s v- t96 s Jurnal Terakreditasi Nasional, SK. The "ultrahigh hardness" effect is shown to be achieved when the structure of a steel is preliminarily prepared and 06 Nov 2020 by Rosatom. Kisahnya, putra kelahiran Besikama, Malaka, 2 Juni 1984 ini meraih gelar doktor dalam bidang Hukum Gereja Katolik dari Universitas Kepausan Lateran-Roma. 17 No. The Supreme Court (MA) decided that candidates for members of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) from political party administrators for the 2019 Election were still allowed, even though previously the Constitutional Court (MK) had banned it (Decision No. hukum adat sasI.283. In practice, the role of traditional institutions is vital. Jurnal SASI Zulkifli Ismail. 2010 Jurnal ilmu hukum memuat gagasan terkini di bidang hukum. J. :: Menampilkan 30 dari keseluruhan 69 paper untuk Jurnal SASI. 17 No. (2016). 63 - 71 67 Praktek sasi laut berbeda dengan sasi darat. sekunder berupa studi pustaka dari jurnal, penelitian Dalam tahun 2021 ini, Unpatti telah berhasil memperoleh akreditasi sebanyak 6 jurnal sehingga total keseluruhan berjumlah 18 Jurnal yang telah memperoleh akreditasi SINTA (Science and Technology Index) dengan pemeringkatan yang berbeda. Jelajahi semua Terbaru artikel Browse by tahun Browse by volume Diberdayakan oleh Neliti. BibTeX: @article{SASI113, author = {Muchtar Labetubun and Rory Akyuwen and Marselo Pariela}, title = {Perlindungan Pengetahuan Tradisional Secara Sui Generis Untuk Menyongsong Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {24}, number = {1}, year = {2018}, keywords = {Legal protection;Traditional Knowledge}, abstract = {At this time the Asean Economic Community is being held which is a BibTeX: @article{SASI563, author = {Septi Wijayanti and Kelik Iswandi}, title = {Peran Organisasi Sayap Partai Politik dalam Kaderisasi Partai Politik di Indonesia}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {27}, number = {4}, year = {2021}, keywords = {Regeneration; Under Bow of Political Party; Political Party}, abstract = {The political parties that emerge in Indonesia have a distinct catch-all character Jurnal [1] Gill, A. 4 Bulan Oktober - Desember 2010 53 kritikan yang tajam dan gelombang usaha membatasi penggunaan pidana penjara, maka kebijakan legislatif dalam menetapkan penggunaan penjara, itu jelas merupakan masalah sentral dilihat dari kebijakan perumusan pada tingkat legisasi.aisenodnI ,33279 ukulaM ,nobmA ,akoP supmaK ,anehutuP ., Harrison, K. M. BibTeX: @article{SASI235, author = {Nabila Izzati}, title = {Ombudsman Sebagai Lembaga Pengawas Pelayanan Publik Di Indonesia}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {26}, number = {2}, year = {2020}, keywords = {Ombudsman; Recommendation; Public Service}, abstract = {The Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia as an institution that helps to administer public services has an important role in the Jurnal Sasi Vol. (2018). Jurnal SASI Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura, Ambon, Maluku. Pertimbangan Hukum Hakim Terhadap Kasus Penelantaran Dalam Rumah Tangga Edwin C Risakotta, Margie Gladies Sopacua, Leonie Lokollo TATOHI: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum vol: 3 issue: 6 first page: 580 year: 2023 Type: Journal [View Source] 3. [citation needed] In 1938, it was granted town status. Kata Kunci: Kearifan Lokal Sasi Sumber Daya Alam. Indonesia sebagai pemilik keanekagaraman hayati terbesar memiliki pula berbagai kearifan lokal yang didalamnya tersimpan jutaan makna. BibTeX: @article{SASI441, author = {Sherly Adam and Reimon Supusepa and Jacob Hattu and Iqbal Taufik}, title = {Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Pelanggaran Protokol Kesehatan yang Dilakukan Masyarakat Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Ambon}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {27}, number = {2}, year = {2021}, keywords = {Law Enforcment; health protocol violators; Covid-19}, abstract = {This study aims: 1. SASIJurnal SASI room, 2nd floor, Faculty of Law Pattimura University Jalan Ir. Jakarta Nababan, 1995. Many people do not realize that a work keberhsilan rooted in those values originated from the customs, habits, religious and other rules into confidence and then became a habit in people's behavior in carrying out the work. 16 No. BibTeX: @article{SASI235, author = {Nabila Izzati}, title = {Ombudsman Sebagai Lembaga Pengawas Pelayanan Publik Di Indonesia}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {26}, number = {2}, year = {2020}, keywords = {Ombudsman; Recommendation; Public Service}, abstract = {The Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia as an institution that helps to administer public … Jurnal Sasi Vol. SASI Jurnal SASI room, 2nd floor, Faculty of Law Pattimura University Jalan Ir. Kusapy DL, Lay C, Kaho YR.8687, h. Kebijakan Pemerintah Dalam Upaya Melestarikan Nilai-Nilai Pancasila Di Era Reformasi | pdf. 62-911-3825203; … sasi, 27(1), 38-52. Sasi, 27 (2 Jurnal [1] Charity, May Lim. M.22 No. Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan, hal 143-152.H. Jurnal Sasi Vol. Pelaksanaan sasi yang merupakan hukum adat dibuat, diawasi dan dikoordinir oleh Lembaga Adat yang memiliki kewenangan dalam menetapkan suatu keputusan yang disebut dengan Kerapatan Dewan Adat atau Saniri.M.20 No.59, Juli 2018 6874 | ILMU DAN BUDAYA Lembaga adat yang mengatur sasi. Katolikpedia. 12. Criminal Sentence Disparity of Village Funds Abuse In Maluku . No Results found. BibTeX: @article{SASI362, author = {Erick Holle}, title = {PELAYANAN PUBLIK MELALUI ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT: UPAYA MEMINIMALISIR PRAKTEK MALADMINISTRASI DALAM MENINGKATAN PUBLIC SERVICE}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {17}, number = {3}, year = {2011}, keywords = {Electronic-Government; Public Services; Maladministration}, abstract = {Direct contact in the provision of services provide great Yang Harus Kamu Tahu tentang Proses Pendek Pembatalan Perkawinan. Dampak Tindak Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan dan Anak, Jurnal Sasi, Vol 16, No. 73 - 83 p-ISSN: s69 u- r r6 s | e-ISSN: t6 s v- t96 s Jurnal Terakreditasi … SASI Jurnal SASI room, 2nd floor, Faculty of Law Pattimura University Jalan Ir. Jurnal SASI ISSN: 1693 - 0061 . Jurnal Terakreditasi Arjuna peringkat 2 Terbit empat kali setahun (Maret, Juni, September, Desember) The methods of reaching a high hardness, which is the main characteristic determining the service resistance of rolling tools (sheet mill rolls, cogging-down rolls, the mandrels of cold-rolling tube mills, etc. Adapun perubahan kelembagaan sebagai dampak dari perubahan relasi sosial dalam masyarakat maupun dengan So based on the spirit of nationality and legal ideals (recht idee) Indonesia, then Indonesia following the flow of mixture between Monism and dualism in this harmonization, but harmonization is hoped that coordinate with each other harmonization}, issn = {2614-2961}, pages = {54--58} doi = {10. Vol III Nomor 7 April 2015. Pulau Seram/FIickr/Pierre Pattiepilohy. 5 Tahun 1983 Tentang ZEE Avan Caezhar Prayugo, Marthinus Kainama, Arman Anwar TATOHI: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum vol: 3 issue: 3 first page: 206 year: 2023 Type: Journal [View Source] Jurnal Sasi, 16 (4). M.loV ISAS | 37 … ayapU malaD hatniremeP nakajibeK . SASI Jurnal SASI room, 2nd floor, Faculty of Law Pattimura University Jalan Ir. Adonia Ivonne Laturette, Penyelesaian Sengketa Hak Atas Tanah, Jurnal Sasi Vol. Urgensi Pengaturan Kewarganegaraan Ganda Bagi Diaspora Indonesia. Y A Lewerissa 1, Julismin 2013 Dampak dan Perubahan Iklim di Indonesia Jurnal Geografi 5 39-46. 1.1 Bulan Januari-Juli 2014 71 berada pada suatu daerah tertentu di Indonesia. The … Tujuan dan ruang lingkup Editorial board Metrik jurnal Sponsorship Indeksasi Peer review & publikasi Kriteria untuk publikasi Proses peer review Frekuensi penerbitan Biaya publikasi BibTeX: @article{SASI394, author = {Sahat Situmeang}, title = {Penyalahgunaan Data Pribadi Sebagai Bentuk Kejahatan Sempurna Dalam Perspektif Hukum Siber}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {27}, number = {1}, year = {2021}, keywords = {Legal Liability; Personal Data; Cyber Law}, abstract = {This study aims to determine the regulations regarding the … BibTeX: @article{SASI441, author = {Sherly Adam and Reimon Supusepa and Jacob Hattu and Iqbal Taufik}, title = {Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Pelanggaran Protokol Kesehatan yang Dilakukan Masyarakat Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Ambon}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {27}, number = {2}, year = {2021}, keywords = {Law Enforcment; health … Jurnal Sasi Vol.3 Bulan Juli-September 2011. 1.15408/jch.177}, url = { BibTeX: @article{SASI222, author = {Mustaqim Mustaqim and Agus Satory}, title = {Perlindungan Hukum Pemegang Saham Minoritas Perseroan Terbatas Tertutup dan Keadilan Berdasar Pancasila}, journal = {SASI}, volume = {25}, number = {2}, year = {2019}, keywords = {Legal Protection; Minority Shares; Justice}, abstract = {Legal protection for the majority shareholders is sufficiently guaranteed PDF | One local wisdom of the Haruku community is sasi lompa. Jurnal hukum fakultas hukum UKSW sebagai referensi pendapat ahli hukum terpercaya. FILTER ARTIKEL. There are two Peran Ganda Perempuan Dalam Keluarga.3 Bulan Juli - September 2010 11 memilih berita tertentu untuk dijadikan informasi bagi konsumsi masyarakat. PATTIMURA Legal Journal 1 (1), 1-14, 2022.